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Alula Gold Reflux 0 – 12 Months Infant Formula 900g

  • $3899
  • Save $9.96

Alula Gold Reflux is a premium, nutritionally complete, specialty infant formula for babies from birth who have been diagnosed with regurgitation. Its ingredients include a digestible, pre-cooked corn starch that is tasteless, odourless, as well as thickens in the stomach and not in the bottle.

It continues to support your baby through the time when solids are being introduced at around 6 months, as a well-balanced diet is important.

As it is a specialty reflux formula, consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended before use to ensure Alula Gold Reflux is suitable for your baby.

An anti-colic or variable fast flow teat may work better with the Alula Gold Reflux.

Not suitable for general use and should be used under medical supervision

900g Baby Formula Powder (0-12 Months).


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