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LifeStyles Condoms Ultimate 10 Pack

  • $899

General Information

LifeStyles® Ultimate Pleasures. Feel-good protection since 1905


Feel-good protection since 1905

- Straight fit (reservoir end) (unless stated otherwise)
- Lubricated (non spermicidal)
- Combination of textures and colours
- Nominal width: 52mm (unless stated otherwise)

- Dotted
- Snake Skin (Textured)
- Ribbed (55mm nom. width)
- Ultimate (Ribbed & dotted. Stimulating warm gel. Contoured)

LifeStyles® lubricants and gels can be used and are recommended.

Triple tested for quality assurance
- 100% electronic test
- batch water test
- batch air test

#1 Australia & NZ's most trusted sexual partner*

*IRI Retail Edge ANZ Condom & Lubricant Units MAT 31.07.22

Don't trash our future, recycle responsibly

Suitable For: contraception

Product Claims: 100% electronically tested.

Boxed Contents: 10 Condoms

Size: 10 Pack


Do not use if box has been opened or easy peel tab perforated.

This product contains natural rubber latex, which may cause allergic reaction including anaphylaxis in people who are allergic to latex. Always read the label. For a non-latex alternative, try SKYN condoms.

Proper use of these condoms will reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy, sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and HIV/AIDS. Condoms are an efficient barrier, however no method of contraception can provide 100% protection. In accordance with international standard ISO 23409:2011.

Each condom is electronically tested to meet the highest standards of safety and reliability.


Do not use if box has been opened or easy peel tab perforated.

This product contains natural rubber latex, which may cause allergic reaction including anaphylaxis in people who are allergic to latex. Always read the label. For a non-latex alternative, try SKYN condoms.

Proper use of these condoms will reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy, sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and HIV/AIDS. Condoms are an efficient barrier, however no method of contraception can provide 100% protection. In accordance with international standard ISO 23409:2011.

Each condom is electronically tested to meet the highest standards of safety and reliability.


Natural Rubber Latex

Contains: Natural Rubber Latex


It might be obvious, but condoms are single use only. Never use more than one condom at a time. Reusing condoms may lead to cross infection so always change the condom between partners and sex acts i.e. vaginal, oral or anal to reduce the risk of HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's). Loss of lubrication may increase the risk of the condom tearing, increasing the risk of pregnancy and STI's. Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Always read the label. Use only as directed.

1. Check the expiry date printed on the condom foil - always. Do not use the condom if the expiry date has passed. If the date has faded, that's not a good sign either! Open the condom wrapper and remove the condom carefully. Condoms are strong but they can be damaged by sharp fingernails, teeth or jewellery - so handle with care.
2. Make sure to put the condom on the erect penis before any sexual contact occurs. This will reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy and STI's.
3. Check that the condom is the right way up - the roll needs to be on the outside so that it can be rolled downwards. Can't roll it? Wrong way round.
4. Gently pinch the tip of the condom to push trapped air and make room for semen. Any excess air trapped in the condom may increase the risk of condom breakage. Plus, it'll be much comfier this way.
5. Still pinching the tip of the condom, place the condom over the head of the penis and roll it down to the based of the erect penis. All the way. If you need the condom slipping or stretching stop and check the condom to avoid potential breakage.
6. Lifestyles® water-based or silicone-based lubricants and gels are recommended during foreplay and sexual intercourse, as they are formulated to increase comfort and pleasure. Lubrication may also reduce the risk of condom breakage. Do not use oil-based lubricant (such as massage oils, body lotions, baby oil, butter, margarine, petroleum jelly etc.) as these may weaken natural rubber latex or polyisoprene condoms. Some medications applied can damage condoms, so always check with your doctor or pharmacist. Always use a lubricant labelled as compatible with condoms.
7. After sex, and while the penis is still erect, carefully withdraw the penis. Hold the rim of the condom at the base of the penis to prevent any spillage of semen. Point the penis downwards and carefully slip the condom off.
8. Tie off the end of the used condom and wrap it in a tissue. Dispose of it thoughtfully and hygienically. Do not flush the condom down the toilet.


Proper use of condoms can help reduce the risk of pregnancy. HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections, but no form of contraception can provide 100% protection.
For a non-latex alternative, please try SKYN condoms.


Please dispose of packaging in an environmentally responsible way.


Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.


Recyclable Cardboard. No plastic wrap. Recycled paper.

Recyclable Packaging?: Yes


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