Arborvitae Health&wellbeing Supp 1 Litre
Supports cardiovascular and immune health. Helps maintain healthy blood glucose and cholesterol. Arborvitae’s Health and Wellbeing Supplement: * Helps maintain healthy blood glucose. * Helps maintain healthy cholesterol. * Has anti-inflammatory actions. * Has antioxidant properties. * Helps improve immune function. * Supports heart and cardiovascular health. * Supports general health and wellbeing. Contains Pycnogenol®, the French Maritime Pine Bark extract supported by scientific evidence.
Maximum dose 100mL per day. For existing conditions take 50mL morning and 50 mL night. For general wellbeing, take 30ml once a day.
Active ingredients. Each mL contains: - Pycnogenol Pinus pinaster (Maritime pine) stem bark extract 2.6mg, equivalent to Pinus Pinaster dry stem bark 2.6g; - Papain 2.4mg; - Sodium Chloride 3mg; - Aloe Vera dried inner leaf juice 1.75mg, equivalent Aloe Vera fresh inner leaf juice 350mg; Contains small amounts of potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate (preservatives). Sweetened with honey. Honey contains natural sugars.
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