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Rescue Remedy Drops 20ml

Rescue Remedy Drops 20ml

  • $3199
  • Save $8.96


Rescue Remedy is the Original Flower Remedy combination discovered by Dr Bach in the 1930's.

Helps you cope in balancing life's ups and downs.

Assists the return to a more positive outlook when you need comfort and reassurance.

Provides support at times of emotional demand, such as before a driving test, interview, exam or flight or when you simply ned a little help.

Suitable for all the family.

5x dilution of flower extracts of Rock Rose, Impatiens, Clematis, Star of Bethleham, Cherry Plum in a grape alcohol solution.

4 drops in water and sip at intervals, or 4 drops on the tongue. Alternatively add to 30ml mixing bottle containing still spring water and take 4 drops a minimum of 4 times a day


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