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Cathay Herbal Acupuncture Cloud & Dragon Disposable Needles 0.16 x 13mm (with guide tube) x100 Pack

Cathay Herbal Acupuncture Cloud & Dragon Disposable Needles 0.16 x 13mm (with guide tube) x100 Pack

  • $1389
  • Save $6.10


Cloud & Dragon Disposable Acupuncture Needles
Traditional Chinese Metal Handles

Sterilised with Ethylene Oxide Gas
For practitioner use only
For single use only


For safety please dispose of used needles into a medical sharps waste collector.
Keep away from extreme temperature and humidity
Do not use if blister pack has been opened or damaged

TGA Listed product with Aust L 176949.

 Download TGA Public Summary for TGA published information including excipients, which are listed under 'Other Ingredients'.


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