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Thermoskin Clavicle Support

Thermoskin Clavicle Support

  • $5249
  • Save $8.18


This healthcare support is designed to provide support for the clavicle. It also works to correct positioning of the collarbone which is useful for ailments such as fractures or weaknesses of the clavicle.

Read on to discover more about the Clavicle Support, or search all torso supports

Clavicle (Collarbone) Fractures

A clavicle fracture is often referred to as a broken collarbone. The clavicle is located between the ribcage and shoulder blade and connects the arms to the body. Fractures occur in people of all ages and is usually caused by a direct blow to the shoulder area. Most fractures occur in the middle of the clavicle. Broken collarbones can heal without the need for surgery however if the bone has shifted, surgery may be required. We recommend seeing a healthcare professional for a complete diagnosis and treatment plan if you suspect a clavicle injury.

May be suitable treatment for:

  • Weakness of the clavicle
  • Postural support
  • Size guide:

    Measurement Location Measure around the chest.
    Size Chart
    *It is important that you choose the correct size for maximum product benefits.

    Please ensure you measure correctly before purchasing this product as we don't offer a refund or exchange for incorrect sizing.

    How to wear:

    1. Position the pads on the shoulders and wrap the straps under the armpit and secure through buckle.
    2. The X should be positioned between the shoulder blades.
  • Please consult your healthcare specialist for appropriate use prior to applying this products.

  • CPP

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